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Here are the various ministries of The National Community Transformation Network 
Operation Joshua

Operation Joshua is an initiative designed to equip and mobilize 50,000 young people to walk the length and breadth of Papua New Guinea taking it back from the enemy.

National Day of Repentance

In 2011, the government under the direction of Sam Abal, the Acting Prime Minister, officially declared August 26 as the National Day of Repentance, (a National Public Holiday). 

NCTN coordinates the National Day of Repentance every year.

National Prayer Movement

The National Prayer Movement is a network of Intercessors all over Papua New Guinea who are involved various prayer gatherings as well as national prayer initiatives and covering the nation in prayer.

The Indigenous Prayer Network

The Papua New Guinea Indigenous Prayer Network was given birth to in 2013 and seeks to empower indigenous peoples, especially those displaced in towns and cities to rise up in their true identity to move in their authority.

24/7 Prayer, Praise and Worship

We are calling the Body of Christ and equipping them to establish 24/7 Prayer, Praise and Worship in every community

around Papua New Guinea.

Operation "Brukim Skru"

Operation "Brukim Skru" is an initiative to mobilize the Body of Christ around Papua New Guinea to fast and pray for the National Elections.


In 2001, we began to be involved in community transformation, in which the whole community surrenders to the authority of the Kingdom of God.  One of the results is the healing of the land.

Teaching and Equipping

NCTN has twenty five years of experience in teaching and equipping the Body of Christ in Prayer Seminars, Prayer Conferences, Strategic Intercession Summits and Prayer Assemblies.

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